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Compensation & Benefits

Wellness Programs


HR Law 101: Since the 1980s, many employers have adopted the holistic approach to their employees’ well-being. They’ve begun sponsoring activities that encourage workers to improve their health. They see the payoff in higher productivity and lower health care costs …

FLSA: Overtime and Base-Rate Pay


HR Law 101: Employers must pay overtime to nonexempt employees who work more than 40 hours in a single workweek. The overtime rate is one and a half times an employee’s hourly rate. If an employee earns a fixed hourly rate with no other compensation, computing the base rate is easy. But in many cases, it’s not so simple …

Does workers’ comp cover injuries an employee suffers at a work-related social event?

Q. Is an employee who injures himself at a ­company-sponsored picnic eligible for workers’ ­compensation?

Unpaid internships could be very expensive for employers


By some estimates, more than a million people participate in internships each year in the United States, as many as half of them unpaid or for less than the minimum wage. That can be a problem for em­­ployers: Misclassifying employees as unpaid interns can result in costly litigation, civil fines or both.

Fired special needs therapist denied unemployment

A former special needs therapist has lost her bid for unemployment compensation after a supervisor testified that the therapist told students she needed therapy herself because of the way the students behaved. The incident occurred while the supervisor was observing the class.

Despite misgivings, judge backs Applebee’s arbitration policy

A waiter at a Philadelphia area Apple­­bee’s will have to go it alone against the company after a federal judge reluctantly admitted the man signed away his right to litigate in federal court when he joined the company.

You could be personally liable for wage violations

Make sure you understand exactly when and how employees receive their pay. Reason: You could be personally liable for violating the Penn­­syl­­vania Wage Payment and Col­­lec­­tion Law (WPCL).

When providing benefits, make sure they go to everyone entitled to them

Benefits like vacation, sick leave, relocation payments and the like must be provided equally to all similarly situated employees. Don’t reward some with additional perks and leave others out—unless you’re willing to risk a lawsuit.

IRS issues integration rules for HRAs and FSAs


You can go some way toward meeting the Affordable Care Act’s requirements that your group plan provide minimum value and is affordable by setting up health reimbursement accounts or health flexible spending accounts for employees. But according to new IRS guidance, these accounts must be integrated into your group health plan.

Year-end 2013: Your last chance to dance

You’re not out of the 2013 woods yet. In a Program Manager Technical Advice memorandum, the IRS explains that if you fail to provide employees with Forms W-2 and payees with Forms 1099, you can be socked with a penalty.