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Compensation & Benefits

CPA firm involves employees in creating work/life benefits

Each new hire at CPA giant Plante Moran is assigned an experienced “buddy” to show him or her the ropes—and a team partner tasked with helping the newbie achieve personal and professional career goals. An employee committee researches and recommends programs and policies that promote work/life balance.

Should we pay nonexempt employees for voluntarily running office errands before work?

Q. Because our office is in a residential area, mail isn’t delivered until the late afternoon. One of our secretaries volunteered to pick up the mail at the post office on her way to work every day. It’s not too far out of the way, but it does change her regular route to work. Are we required to reimburse her for the additional time, as well as mileage?

Supreme Court rules on ‘donning & doffing’ in union shops

The U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous interpretation on Jan. 27 of the meaning of “changing clothes” in the FLSA is significant for unionized ­­employers in industries in which workers must change clothes to begin and end their work shifts.

Sheetz makes ‘Best Companies to Work For’ list

Fortune magazine has listed its 100 best companies to work for in 2014 and Altoona-based Sheetz convenience stores is the sole Pennsylvania-based company on the list.

Should child support be deducted from contractor’s payment?


Q: An employee who was having child support withheld from his pay became an independent contractor. He received two payments last year and another payment this year, but support wasn’t withheld from those payments. The child support agency has told us that we must withhold support. How do we complete the withholding order with regard to how he’s paid?

Tell young workers: You can fund retirement

Here’s good news to pass along to younger workers in your organization: It is possible to fund a comfortable retirement—if you start contributing to your 401(k) now and commit to doing so throughout your career.

Benefits: 6 lessons from great places to work

Your organization can’t compete with the blizzard of benefits—from on-site dry cleaning to gourmet meals—that helped Google top Fortune magazine’s new “100 Best Companies to Work For” list. But you can adopt some creative perks offered by the other 99 employers.

22 states already surpass federal minimum wage

For all the recent talk about raising the national minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, it’s worth noting that 22 states already require pay higher than the current federal minimum of $7.25 per hour.

New rules proposed for excepted benefits

Excepted benefits aren’t subject to the Affordable Care Act health care reform law. Proposed regulations would modify limited-scope dental and vision excepted benefits, create new wraparound coverage to group plans that would be considered excepted benefits and clarify Employee Assistance Plans.

ACA: Health benefit waiting periods capped at 90 days

Employer-sponsored group health plans cannot impose waiting periods that exceed 90 days after an employee is otherwise eligible for insurance coverage under a final Affordable Care Act rule issued Feb. 20 by the Obama administration.