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Compensation & Benefits

Regardless of age, we’re mostly conservative retirement investors

Asked whether they prefer retirement investments that are secure with low growth potential, or high growth with lots of risk, this is what working-age investors said.

Gender pay gap is 77%

On average, working women in America earn 77 cents for every dollar men earn. Wage inequality varies greatly by state, according to the American Association of University Women.

Overlook these health plan failures at your peril

If you focus strictly on the ACA health care reform law’s free-rider penalties for not providing full-time employees with health insurance, or not providing insurance that’s affordable and offers minimum value, you’re missing the bigger picture.

Any limits on time between shifts?

Q. We need to schedule an employee for a shift from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. in order to close our store and begin a shift the next morning at 8 a.m. to open the store. Does California law require a minimum amount of time, such as 12 hours, in between scheduled shifts?

Is there a reason not to limit smoking breaks?

Q. Two of our employees go outside to smoke almost every hour for about 10 minutes. Our other employees are starting to complain. Do we have to allow these 10-minute rest periods every hour?

San Diego newspaper delivery drivers awarded $5M

Workers who delivered the San Diego Union-Tribune will split a $5 million judgment against the paper’s former owner. A state judge ruled that about 1,200 carriers who worked for the paper from 2005 to 2007 were employees, not independent contractors.

Papa John’s HQ pays up after franchisee stiffs workers

The Papa John’s pizza chain has come through for employees left in the lurch when a franchisee in Sacra­­mento abruptly closed eight stores.

Continue benefits status during military leave

Always count military leave as time worked. Simply pretend the worker is present and earning leave and other benefits. That principle applies to both your attendance policies and your FMLA practices.

ACA state exchanges get thumbs up from Consumer Reports

Back in November, Consumer Reports magazine urged its readers to hold off on buying health insurance through websites operated by the state-based exchanges authorized by the Affordable Care Act. Now it holds a different view.

Summertime … and the living ain’t easy for Payroll

For Payroll, time-off complications make summer about as special as that first sunburn. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some no- or low-cost solutions that can take the sting out of summer.