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Compensation & Benefits

I, Robot, want to be exempt from payroll taxes

Speaking at an Employee Benefit Research Institute symposium on the future of benefits, Arnold Brown posed an intriguing—some might say disturbing—question.

Should we worry about hours worked (or not worked) at home?

Q: During the last storm, several nonexempts didn’t have any paid time off available and we didn’t pay them for the days not worked. They’ve since claimed that they worked at home catching up on paperwork, even though this wasn’t directed by management. Most of them work on a manufacturing line, so we’re dubious that they “worked” at home. Could this get us in trouble if we’re audited?

If worker loses equipment, can we make him pay?

Q. A departing employee has failed to return certain company equipment. Can we deduct the value of this equipment from her final expense reimbursement check?

Big business finds big benefit in tuition assistance

A Who’s Who of U.S. companies have embraced tuition assistance as a core component of their benefits packages.

The ABCs of parental leave for kids’ school and illness

Parents don’t have to decide between work and home if your company’s policies give them the flexibility to deal with these issues.

How today’s business environment has affected benefits

The road to recovery from the economic downturn may be rocky, but employers aren’t cutting benefits to stay solvent.

Are we liable for male-female pay disparities?

Q. The company that I own has been in business since 1930. We recently performed an assessment of positions and salaries and discovered that our male executives are paid higher salaries than female counterparts. Are we liable for any unfair business practices?

Parkland execs’ bonuses go to low-wage staff

Dallas-based Parkland Health and Hospital System cut its executives bonuses this year, but not because the head honchos performed poorly. The system’s governing body decided the money was better spent raising the pay of the system’s lowest-earning employees instead.

Four Dallas restaurants settle DOL wage disputes

Workers at four Dallas-area restaurants will receive more than $188,000 following a U.S. Depart­­ment of Labor Wage and Hour Divi­­sion (WHD) investigation. The restaurants—Yes Buffet in Grand Prairie, Royal Buf­­fet in Rowlett and Crown Buffet and Win Chi­­nese Buffet in Dallas—underpaid 61 employees.

Workweek isn’t based on consecutive days


Under the FLSA, employees are entitled to overtime for hours worked over 40 in any workweek. However, the law doesn’t specify how a workweek is determined…