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Compensation & Benefits

Beyond the basics, which holidays will we observe next year?

In 2015, almost all employers plan to give workers the day off on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. What about other holidays?

How will employer-provided health plans change in 2015?

Fewer than 1% of employers plan to drop health insurance benefits in 2015. In many workplaces, however, employers are taking steps to rein in the cost of health benefits. Here are the top five measures.

2015 tax rates: It always pays to plan ahead

Employees can take a lot of the guesswork out of their 2015 income tax liability by ensuring that their W-4s are accurate. Here are the 2015 standard deduction amounts.

Can we ask our employees to keep mum about their bonuses?

Q. Our company is handing out bonuses only to those who deserve it. Can we ask them—not demand them—to keep it quiet as we hand them their checks?

Employers still offer health benefits despite Obamacare

Employer-provided health benefits are as common as ever more than a year after the Affordable Care Act began reshaping the health insurance landscape.

Severance Pay


HR Law 101: Severance policies are generally considered employee benefit plans entitled to ERISA protection, many courts have ruled. For employers, that means conforming to ERISA’s recordkeeping and disclosure requirements …

Supremes: No pay for time spent on security screening

The U.S. Supreme Court on Dec. 9  unanimously ruled that workers at a warehouse are not entitled to pay for the time they spend waiting to undergo anti-theft screenings, nor for the time spent actually being screened.

Three-year checkup: OCSE revises IWO & instructions

Every three years, the federal Office of Child ­Support Enforcement revises the standard Income Withholding Order. All child ­support withholding orders must be issued on IWOs. The OCSE recently updated the form and instructions.

Health care cost growth lowest in over 50 years

Health spending last year grew at the lowest rate since 1960, according to the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Do first names count for Social Security purposes?

Q: An employee’s Social Security card lists her first name as “Michelle.” She says this is a mistake, and her name is really spelled “Mechelle.” When I told her that she needed to get a replacement Social Security card, she said that the Social Security Administration told her that she would need to first have her name changed in court before a replacement card could be issued. This sounds fishy to us. Does the SSA care about first names?