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Compensation & Benefits

Supreme Court: No pay for security screening time

A recent ruling held that time workers spend waiting to undergo and undergoing security screenings is not compensable under the FLSA.

Austin bus company to pay $655K to settle labor dispute

Travis Transit Management of Austin has agreed to pay 600 current and former employees $655,000 to settle charges it unilaterally changed employee health, retirement and other benefits when it began providing bus service for Austin’s Capital Metro in 2012.

EEOC diagnoses trouble for wellness plans

The EEOC is increasingly targeting employer wellness programs that it believes run afoul of federal law, and a program implemented without sufficient due diligence can lead to expensive legal claims.

ERISA: Overview


HR Law 101: The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) governs the administration of employee benefit plans and the rights of plan beneficiaries. While many tend to associate ERISA only with retirement benefits, the law covers many other areas …

Proposed rules cover changes in measurement periods/methods

The ACA allows you to use the look-back/stability measurement method to determine whether employees are full-time employees. You set the length of your periods, provided they’re equal and aren’t longer than 12 months. Although it’s clear that you can’t restart the measurement clock when employees transfer, it’s less clear how you apply the periods once a transfer occurs. The IRS has proposed rules that clarify how differing periods apply to transfers.

Fair Labor Standards Act: Overview


HR Law 101: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) covers the federal minimum wage, rules on overtime pay and child labor regulations. Since the U.S. Department of Labor recently overhauled the overtime rules, it’s critical to make sure you’re properly classifying workers as exempt or nonexempt …

Pension Benefits: ERISA Rules


HR Law 101: The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) governs the administration of employee retirement plans. Pension plans fall into two major categories: qualified and nonqualified plans …

FLSA: Calculating Hours Worked

HR Law 101: To ensure you’re in compliance with the FLSA, it’s important to understand the definition of “hours of work.” Any hour when an employee’s on duty is considered time worked. The only period usually excluded: when an employee uses the time for personal reasons …

Must we file a new Form W-2 to correct a newlywed’s name?


Q: An employee worked for us during 2013, left the company last year, got married and changed her name. So her 2013 W-2 form was issued in her maiden name. She now wants us to reissue her a new W-2 in her married name. Do we have to do this?

Workplace Drug Testing


HR Law 101: Drug testing and substance abuse prevention programs can involve substantial legal liability if employers don’t manage and administer them properly. If your organization decides to implement a drug testing program, there are ways to minimize the risk of employee lawsuits …