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Compensation & Benefits

Good intentions don’t matter: You’ll pay if you compensate men and women differently

Employers that don’t pay men and women the same for substantially identical work violate the Equal Pay Act (EPA). The employer’s intent doesn’t matter. What matters is that the pay is unequal. The EPA is a strict liability statute, as one of the world’s most gender-equitable nations learned when it was sued in Minnesota.

Don’t do it! Agencies clarify stances on ACA coverage dodges

There is such a thing as being too clever by half, when it comes to enforcing the group health mandates of the Affordable Care Act. The IRS and its sister agencies have been putting out fires caused by promoters who claim compliance with the law through a hyper-technical reading of its provisions. Here’s the latest.

Perks at digital marketing firm encourage employee creativity


Employees of Boston-based C-4 Analytics joke that they “already get to play on Facebook all day” as part of their work as digital marketers, says managing partner Michael Weiss. Yet execs have woven time into employee schedules to get them away from their workstations to “recharge their creativity and focus.”

Safeway adds benefits for LGBT employees

Safeway is making its support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees and shoppers visible with some perks for workers and the communities where its grocery stores are located.

Final IRS regs clarify ACA’s individual mandate

The IRS has issued final regulations that cover how group plans’ design affects affordability.

Don’t overpay for first shift of daylight saving time

Daylight saving time begins at 2:00 a.m., March 8, 2015. Graveyard-shift workers, therefore, will actually work only seven hours that day.

Can we delay paycheck until personnel file is done?

Q. We allow employees to begin working without handing in the documentation we require, such as reference letters. (We always have legal documentation, such as I-9s and W-4s) Are we legally allowed to hold an employee’s paycheck until their personnel file is complete?

Women trail men in retirement savings growth

Women invest 6% to 12% more than men in defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s, according to the Vanguard investment firm’s “2014 How America Saves” report.

Form W-2c: The agony of errors

The earlier you fix errors on your 2019 W-2s, the less likely it is you’ll be penalized by the IRS. Procrastinators don’t win: If you correct errors within 30 days, the penalty is $50 a form. If you wait until after Aug. 3, 2020, the penalty spikes to $270 a form.

Performance drives pay in 72% of workplaces

Pay-for-performance continues to define U.S. employers’ compensation strategies. According to a new study by the WorldatWork nonprofit, 72% of 600 organizations surveyed report that they directly tie pay raises to job performance—and 67% say their best employees earn increases that are 1.5 times higher than those of average workers.