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Compensation & Benefits

Time to get to work on health care reporting forms

All large employers, even those that offer no health insurance and those that are eligible for transition relief this year, can begin to collect the information needed to complete Forms 1095-C/1094-C.

Consider adding credit union to benefit roster

A credit union in New York City has begun an aggressive push to improve the fiscal well-being of workers whose employers offer credit union membership as an employee benefit.

What’s the law on paying for travel time?

Q. How should we go about determining how much we need to pay employees for travel time?

Denver company pays its employees to relax and disconnect

Bart Lorang, founder and CEO of cloud-based contact-management app firm FullContact in Denver, pays each of his employees $7,500 extra each year to go on vacation.

Vodafone maternity leave policy sets gold standard

Starting April 1, Vodafone employees may take up to 16 weeks of paid maternity leave—and be able to work 30-hour weeks at full pay for six months after they return to work.

April 2015: Employer’s business tax calendar

Here’s your monthly guide to critical payroll due dates.

Why employers offer wellness programs

Helping employees lead healthier lives led the way when nearly 500 benefits managers were asked why their organizations have wellness programs.

Employers aren’t cutting staff to escape ACA mandate

Only a handful of employers have considered reducing full-time employees’ hours to dodge the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new survey by the Society for Human Resource Management.

Timely filing requires a USPS stamp of approval

Why trudge down to the post office for stamps, lease a pricey postage machine or use a private delivery service like FedEx, when you can get the same postage by downloading software to your computer? There is a difference, according to the Tax Court, which ruled that a petition mailed with downloaded postage wasn’t timely filed.

White-collar OT rule could double salary basis

When Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division Administrator David Weil keynoted a gathering of top HR pros on March 24, his official comments carefully avoided the much-delayed, anxiously awaited rewrite of the federal rules governing white-collar overtime pay.