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Compensation & Benefits

Late returning from leave? No extension request? Feel free to fire

Employers sometimes worry about terminating an employee who hasn’t showed up for work when her approved leave expires. That shouldn’t be a problem if you previously made it clear that it’s the employee’s responsibility to keep you updated with their status and to ask for an extension if necessary.

HHS sets 2016 adjustments for health plans

The Department of Health and Human Services sets the maximum limit on out-of-pocket expenses for nongrandfathered, non-high-deductible health plans. For 2016, those limits are $6,850 for self-only coverage ($6,600 in 2015) and $13,700 for other than self-only coverage ($13,200 in 2015).

Retired is retired, even without written notice

Recently, a retired employee challenged her retirement and applied for unemployment, arguing that she never put a retirement request in writing and therefore her employer couldn’t oppose her request for unemployment benefits.

What tax rules govern cellphones?

Q: We currently reimburse employees who use their own cellphones to make business calls, but then add back those amounts as taxable pay. HR wants us to stop this practice and make those reimbursements a tax-free fringe benefit. Don’t the accountable plan rules apply here?

Court affirms deductions from exempt’s leave bank

It’s long been federal policy that you may deduct partial days off from an exempt’s accrued leave time without jeopardizing that status, because partial-day deductions from accrued leave banks aren’t the same as partial-day deductions from pay, which could throw that status into doubt. Does the result change if you overlay a state wage payment law that categorizes accrued vacation as nonforfeitable wages? No, according to a California appeals court.

Virgin’s paid parental leave: Innovation or stunt?

British business mogul and Virgin CEO Richard Branson is in the news again for a new workplace policy granting a full year of paid parental leave to employees of Virgin Management, the investment arm of the Virgin Group. 

Temp can’t sue both the client and the agency

Temporary workers who are injured on the job are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. But who is on the hook for the workers’ comp claim? The temp agency or its client? According to a recent court ruling, it can’t be both.

IRS update from American Payroll Annual Congress

The one sure bet is that the IRS will come to the American Payroll Association’s Annual Congress prepared to discuss its payroll-related initiatives. This year’s 33rd Annual Congress was held in Las Vegas; here’s a recap.

An all-states chart on child support for payroll pros

States’ electronic mandates for child support are all over the map. Some states, for example, mandate that withheld child support be remitted electronically; others don’t. This chart helps you get a handle on the electronic child support landscape.

Payroll odds and ends from the IRS

The IRS is a prodigious publisher. Here are digests of two recently released Information Letters.