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Compensation & Benefits

Detail exact terms for paying out accrued but unused vacation and sick leave

New York Labor Law requires employers to notify employees “in writing or by publicly posting the employer’s policy on sick leave, vacation, personal leave, holidays and hours.” If employers do so, then the written policy governs whether the employee is entitled to payment of unused leave on termination.

Roasted bird with a side of payroll

You’ll enjoy a guilt-free Thanksgiving feast if you accomplish these crucial year-end tasks now.

Pittsburgh enacts law granting paid sick leave

Pittsburgh has passed a sweeping ordinance granting paid sick leave to employees of almost every private employer based in the city. The ordinance covers both full- and part-time workers.

Partners paid hourly aren’t exempt for the UC system


Ordinarily, owners of a business aren’t required to participate in the unemployment compensation system and don’t need to pay unemployment tax. Neither are they eligible for unemployment benefits if they lose their jobs. But that doesn’t mean it’s OK to simply create a partnership, have each “partner” contribute a token amount, and then treat them as employees.

Retirement crisis continues: Median savings just $2,500

The typical working household has virtually no retirement savings, according to a study by the nonprofit National Institute on Retirement Security. When all households are included—not just those with retirement accounts—median retirement savings added up to just $2,500.

November 2015: Employer’s business tax calendar

Here’s your monthly guide to critical payroll due dates.

Health coverage up, but not because of benefits

More working-age Americans had health insurance in last year, even though the rate of coverage through employment-based health plans remained essentially flat. That’s according to a new report by the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Office manager liable for $2.9 million in payroll taxes

The closest office managers usually get to Payroll are their own paychecks. But beware. A federal trial court has ruled that an office manager was personally liable for 100% of her company’s undeposited payroll taxes, to the tune of $2.9 million.

The IRS’ proposed minimum value regs require hospital coverage

First, the Department of Health and Human Services created a minimum value calculator that omitted inpatient hospitalization services. Oops. Then, the IRS issued guidance that concluded that in order to provide minimum value, group health plans must cover substantial inpatient hospitalization and physician services, or both. Proposed regulations were promised, which the IRS has now released. The regs also provide a detailed effective date.

Half of employers invested more on health care in 2015

Spending on health care benefits was up in 50% of organizations surveyed this year. In contrast, only about a quarter of employers reported spending more on wellness programs and career development.