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Compensation & Benefits

ACA did not lead to cuts in job-based health coverage

The Affordable Care Act has had almost no effect on the number of employees who get their health insurance through an employer-sponsored plan, according to new research by the nonprofit Urban Institute.

Company’s delay = $9.6 million in taxes, penalties, interest

“I’ll get to it tomorrow” isn’t a winning legal strategy.

IRS, DOJ highlight payroll initiatives

Over 70% of the federal government’s ready cash is obtained through withholding. That puts you in the crosshairs for new compliance initiatives from the IRS and its in-house lawyers from the Tax Division at the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Paid sick leave ordinance takes effect for Los Angeles employers

Starting on July 1, 2016, a new Los Angeles city ordinance began requiring Los Angeles employers with 26 or more employees to provide paid sick leave benefits. Employers with fewer than 26 employees must do so as of July 1, 2017.

Think you can wait out DOL? Think again

The owner of two Mountain View, CA, transportation companies—Stanford Yellow Taxi Cab and AAA Legacy Limousine—fought a years’-long legal battle against the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division, arguing that his employees were independent contractors. The DOL wasn’t going to be the first party to blink.

Supreme Court refuses to hear challenge to home care rule

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear an industry challenge to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Home Care Final Rule. The decision lets stand a lower court ruling in Home Care Association of America, et al. v. Weil, allowing the rule to be implemented.

Supreme Court sends back service advisor case

The U.S. Supreme Court has sent a case back to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals without deciding if automobile service advisors are exempt.

Ensure staff understand leave accrual, payouts

Employers must keep careful track of accrued vacation time employees use and vacation time accrued but unused. That’s particularly true for employers that operate in California and one or more other states.

What restrictions can we place on employees taking time off to vote?


Q. With elections coming up we have started to think about what we can do to manage when employees are taking time to vote. Our policy says they can take time off the morning of an election. Can we ask them to go after work? Can we tell them when in the morning they can take off to vote? Can we tell them how long they can take to vote? Can we deduct pay if they take too long?

New federal overtime rules affect Minnesota’s wage-and-hour laws

Consequently, Minnesota employers covered by both the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and Minnesota’s Fair Labor Standards Act must comply with whichever is more stringent. Therefore, Minnesota employers should be aware of how the new federal overtime regulations may affect compliance with the MNFLSA.