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Compensation & Benefits

In the Payroll Mailbag …

One employee, two jobs … Fallout from new overtime regulations

Penalties increase for various labor violations


Tucked deep inside last year’s budget bill were provisions regarding the adjustment of civil penalties, inflation for those penalties, and catch-up adjustments.

Special analysis: Fringe benefits in 2017

Employees, especially millennials, have definite ideas about what they want in fringe benefits. But you can’t make everyone’s wishes for tax-free benefits come true.

Curacao and St. Lucia are now in North America

Employees who attend business conventions in North America need only establish the familiar elements of the accountable plan rules for their reimbursements to be tax-free.

IRS proposes regs for reporting health care information

It’s open enrollment season for health benefits, which means you have employees’ attention.

Health benefits cost 7.6% of employers’ annual budgets

The average cost of providing health care makes up 7.6% of a company’s annual operating budget and equates to an average of $8,669 per covered employee.

Financial security is millennials’ benefits focus

Millennials are pessimistic about their financial futures, and they are looking to their employers for help when it comes to addressing financial matters.

The 2017 Payroll Checklist


Year-end for planning for payroll and accounts payable is, really, a year-long process. Here’s a checklist to help guide you through each pay period, month and calendar quarter of 2017. It will help make your 2017 payroll process a snap.

Do you have to pay employees for their time spent voting?

No federal laws give employees the right to leave work to vote. But a majority of states do have such laws.

Wells Fargo fraud offers lesson on incentives

Wells Fargo’s recent $185 million fine should be a lesson: Build accountability into your bonus or incentive programs.