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Compensation & Benefits

ACA repeal threatens tax-free health benefits

The Affordable Care Act mainly affects the individual health insurance market, not the employer-provided coverage that is central to most employee benefits plans. That’s changing as President Trump and Republicans on Capitol Hill set about repealing and replacing the ACA.

Discretionary leave OK as long as it’s equitable

Do you have a program that allows some employees to take additional leave after they have exhausted FMLA leave and their earned sick and vacation time off? That’s fine, as long as you set reasonable parameters for taking leave and enforce the rules fairly.

Texas Supreme Court to decide Houston same-sex benefits

In an about-face, the Texas Supreme Court has decided to hear a case challenging the city of Houston’s policy of providing benefits to same-sex spouses that are equal to those available to opposite-sex spouses.

EBSA asks if turbine firm’s 401(k) is gone with the wind

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefit Security Agency has filed suit against the now defunct Wind Turbine Solutions.

Comcast promises lawsuit over Philly’s new wage bias law

Patterned after a first of its kind Massachusetts law, the ordinance bars employers from asking an employee’s salary history.

Can I cap how much vacation employees can accrue and still comply with California law?

Q. My employees receive one week of paid vacation per year. Since I cannot have a use-it-or-lose-it policy, can I just cap vacation accrual at five days?

California localities’ minimum wage increases for 2017

The California minimum wage increased on Jan. 1 to $10.50 per hour for businesses employing 26 or more employees.

Setup work doesn’t require prevailing wage

Can employees who perform work that may be related to a public works contract, but not the public work directly, be paid less?

ACA repeal would affect employer coverage

ACA rollbacks could affect the benefits employers can or must offer.

More retailers stop using on-call shift scheduling

Pressure for attorney generals in several states has caused several large retailers to stop requiring employees to call work before a scheduled shift to find out if they have to work that day.