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Compensation & Benefits

More employers offering promotions without raises

Nearly two in five HR managers (39%) said it’s common for their company to offer employees promotions without salary increases. That’s a 17-point jump from a similar 2011 survey.

Snapshot: Big business makes progress on LGBT issues

An overwhelming majority of Fortune 500 corporations prohibit discrimination on the basis of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender status.

New employee benefit: College for $1 per day

If all goes according to plan, Walmart employees will be able to obtain a college degree without piling up student loan debt or having to seek state and federal grants.

IRS issues 2019 limits for HSAs, high-deductible health plans

The Internal Revenue Service has announced 2019 inflation-adjusted amounts for health savings accounts and high-deductible health plans.

States take lead on paid family leave laws

With the legislative agenda bogged down on Capitol Hill, look for states to step up efforts to enact laws that mandate some form of paid family leave. Some recent initiatives have resulted in signed legislation, while others have fallen short.

California legislature considers a dozen new employment laws

Like a pride of lions flashing teeth and fangs, the California legislature is on the hunt in 2018. As has become an annual spring ritual, Sacramento politicians have once again proposed a progressive labor agenda.

Probation for Oakland plan trustee caught skimming funds

A trustee of a benefit plan for employees of an Oakland metalworking company must serve one year of probation and make restitution for violating the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

Follow rules to set alternative workweek schedule

California wage-and-hour law can be complicated. For example, California allows establishment of something call­­ed alternative workweek schedules. Employees have to approve an AWS by voting via a secret ballot.

Tip pooling: What’s fair and reasonable?

Under California Labor Code section 351, employers may pool tips and distribute them in a manner that is “fair and reasonable.” What that means in practice depends on the circumstances.

Some DOL ‘prevailing wage’ scales based on data from the 1980s

The U.S. Department of Labor, which is in charge of enforcing the Davis Bacon Act, is setting prevailing wages for some occupations based on data collected more than 30 years ago.