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Compensation & Benefits

Survey: Employers taking steps to modernize total rewards

As the war for talent in today’s tightening labor market intensifies, a majority of U.S. employers are taking steps to modernize their total rewards programs, according to a new survey by the Willis Towers Watson consulting firm.

Guidance fleshes out paid FMLA tax credit

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provides a tax credit for paid leave provided during 2018 and 2019. The IRS has now addressed key issues related to this tax credit.

In the Payroll Mailbag: December ’18

Odd apostrophe in first name causes W-2 consternation … Name or gender problem: we can’t decide

HR supervisor liable for 100% penalty

An HR supervisor who became a company’s treasurer as a favor to her brothers is now on the hook for 100% of the company’s undeposited payroll taxes, after the Tax Court ruled that she was a responsible person under tax code Section 6672.

DOL names the duties your waiter can be directed to do for free

The Department of Labor has issued an opinion letter confirming activities for which tipped workers need not be paid extra.

Snapshot: When was the last time you received recognition at work?

Only 60% of employees surveyed said their work has been recognized in the last year.

Consistency is key to 401(k) wealth-building

It may seem obvious, but now there’s research to back it up: Consistent participation in an employer-sponsored retirement plan results in higher account balances—as much as 122% higher.

Midterms to affect employment law landscape

Two years of Republican control of Washington ended Nov. 6 with Democrats seizing control of the House of Representatives. That gives Democrats some say on setting the legislative agenda, including employment law issues.

Film crew: Mob flick maker stiffed us for $200K

The crew that worked on the movie “Made in Chinatown,” filmed in Philadelphia last summer, want their money and they have filed a lawsuit to get it.

Bottom-up hiring could perpetuate pay bias

There’s a danger that wages may appear to be discriminatory if the hiring process is centralized, but decisions about starting pay are made locally, without regard to broader corporate compensation scales. The risk: Class-action lawsuits.