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Compensation & Benefits

2019 income taxes: Get it right the first time

Employees will get their first taste of how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changed their income taxes when they file their 2018 1040s. They can avoid sticker shock with this year’s taxes by ensuring that their income tax withholding aligns with their tax liability. Here’s the basic information they’ll need to make this determination.

Worker demands back overtime? Investigate and, if warranted, pay up

If an employer pays overtime incorrectly, it may be liable for up to two years of unpaid overtime, doubled as a penalty. But if an employer’s overtime mistake is “willful,” that liability reaches back another year, adding to the cost.

Prepare for new labor and employment laws

With 2019 just around the corner, now is the time to preview labor and employment laws that will soon affect employers.

New benefits emerge to suit changing needs

Employers are broadening the scope of their employee benefits offerings to meet the changing demands of their workforce.

January 2019: Employer’s business tax calendar

Here’s your monthly guide to critical payroll due dates.

Employees seek flexible work arrangements for the holidays

Fifty-one percent of employees are uncomfortable asking their manager for time off during the holidays, according to a new study from West Monroe Partners.

Key question for unemployment benefits: Did employee quit or was he fired?

Employees who quit their jobs aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation benefits. But if the employee believed the employer had already terminated him, then not showing up for work won’t count as quitting. He may be eligible for benefits.

Child-care needs may qualify for unemployment

Employees who lose access to child-care services and who request an accommodation from their employer in order to keep working are eligible for unemployment benefits if their employer does not make the accommodation and the employee has to quit because she can’t find alternative care.

Steal pension funds, go to jail

A joint investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Service has led to the conviction of a Cleveland CEO who embezzled $126,000 from an employee retirement plan.

Survey: Employers taking steps to modernize total rewards

As the war for talent in today’s tightening labor market intensifies, a majority of U.S. employers are taking steps to modernize their total rewards programs, according to a new survey by the Willis Towers Watson consulting firm.