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Compensation & Benefits

ACA ‘Cadillac tax’ repealed in House, Senate likely to follow suit

With overwhelming bipartisan support, the House of Representatives on July 17 voted 419-6 to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s unpopular, much-delayed excise tax on high-cost employer-sponsored health plans.

House votes to raise federal minimum wage to $15 per hour

The House of Representatives voted July 18 to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025, passing legislation that will probably not have even a committee hearing in the Republican-controlled Senate.

Snapshot: Telemedicine takes off!

Almost three-fourths of employer-provided health plans now offer a telemedicine component so employees can consult a health care provider by phone or video chat.

New York enacts more generous paid voting leave rules

The law virtually guarantees that all employees who request time off for voting must be granted sufficient paid time off to enable them to vote, up to a maximum of three hours.

Court rules California’s auto-IRA program is legal

A federal trial court has ruled that California’s Secure Choices law—which mandates that small employers that don’t already have retirement plans enroll employees into auto-deduction IRAs and withhold the contributions from their pay—isn’t an ERISA-covered retirement plan.

W-2 Box 9: On again, off again

The 2019 W-2 is largely unchanged. Box 9, however, is again shaded out.

In the Payroll Mailbag: August ‘19

Breaking down an employee’s travel time … Three questions on figuring the regular rate of pay

Payroll FYI: General interest letters from the IRS

The IRS is a prodigious publisher. Here are digests of three general interest letters.

Final regs cover duties of CPEOs and clients

Final regulations firm up the requirements for certified professional employer organization status and also affect clients’ relationships with CPEOs.

Tales from tax protestor land: Revoke your visa right away

You can’t tug on Superman’s cape, you can’t spit into the wind and you can’t mess around with income tax withholding. This message seems to have slipped by one individual taxpayer and one business taxpayer, both of whom ended up in the IRS’ cross hairs.