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Compensation & Benefits

Final regs allow SSN truncation on W-2s

In an effort to stem the tide of tax-related identity theft, final regulations allow you to truncate employees’ Social Security numbers on all W-2 copies, except Copy A, which is filed with the Social Security Administration.

Manage legal risks of telecommuter workforce

Before embracing remote work as an option in your organization, know what you’re getting into. You’ll need to manage three kinds of telecommuting risks: workplace safety, time tracking and compliance with local laws.

EEOC will end EEO-1 compensation data collection after this year

The EEO-1 Component 2 data that most employers and federal contractors must submit by Sept. 30 will mark the one and only time the EEOC collects compensation data, according to an EEOC Notice of Information Collection published in the Federal Register on Sept. 12.

Of course employees know how their pay compares

82% of professionals feel well-informed about what they should be making in their current position, and 73% say they’ve checked their salary against market rates in the last year.

Half of employees have 3-month rainy-day cushion

Only 20% of American families had liquid savings of more than three months of their family income.

Drywall company can’t paper over wage violations

Rice Drywall has agreed to pay 558 employees $354,763 in back wages after investigators from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division found the company misclassified employees as independent contractors.

Automatic timekeeping system? Make sure it truly records all hours worked

A group of about 100 customer service representatives have won class-action status for their lawsuit alleging overtime and underpayment violations. The case highlights how crucial it is for timekeeping systems to capture all hours worked.

San Antonio delays paid sick leave, Dallas moves ahead

By now, San Antonio’s paid sick leave ordinance was supposed to have gone into effect. But thanks to a compromise between city government and a group of local employers, affected employers won’t have to begin providing paid leave until at least Dec. 1, 2019.

What education benefits do employers offer?

Tuition assistance to help employees take undergraduate and graduate college courses remains the most common education-related benefit.

October 2019: Employer’s business tax calendar

Here’s your monthly guide to critical payroll due dates.