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FMLA: What to do when worker refuses OT

Some employees don’t like being told they have to put in OT, especially if they have medical conditions that make it difficult to work extended hours. However, you are within your rights to insist on overtime. Employees with a serious health condition that precludes working extra hours may have to go on intermittent FMLA leave.

3 new state employment laws you must know

Gov. David Paterson has signed into law legislation protecting domestic workers, granting bereavement and funeral leave rights to same-sex partners and ensuring fair play in the construction industry.

After a brief FMLA leave, can we request a second opinion to make sure the worker is ready to return?

Q. We have an employee returning from FMLA leave. His physician has issued a fitness-for-duty certificate. However, we have doubts about the worker’s ability to perform his job because he wasn’t off work very long … Can we send him to another physician for a second fitness-for-duty examination?

‘Gradual Return’ program lets moms come back on their own schedule


New parents don’t have to rush back to work at Verizon if they sign up for the telecommunications giant’s “Gradual Return to Work” program after childbirth or an adoption. Instead, they return to work on a reduced work schedule and maintain full coverage for their health and other benefits.

If you have doubts about FMLA eligibility, don’t hesitate to seek a second medical opinion


Back in August, we told you how a federal court had dismissed a case involving a woman who had taken her child out of day care for the summer and asked for FMLA leave so she could care for him until school started. (See “School’s out for summer! But the FMLA doesn’t cover day care”.) Now the same court has reinstated the lawsuit after taking another look at the facts.

Does the FMLA cover cosmetic surgery?

Q. One of our employees is having cosmetic surgery and plans to take leave. Would that fall under the FMLA, or would it be a leave of absence?

Pennsylvania House considers mandatory sick leave bill


A Pennsylvania House of Representatives committee has begun considering legislation that would require all employers to provide some paid sick leave for employees. The Healthy Family, Healthy Workplaces Act would require employers with 10 or more employees to provide at least one hour of sick leave for every 40 hours worked, up to a maximum of 52 hours per year.

After brief FMLA leave, can we request a second opinion to make sure worker is ready to return?

Q. We have an employee returning from a leave taken under the federal FMLA and the California Family Rights Act. His physician has issued a fitness-for-duty certificate. However, we have doubts about the worker’s ability to perform his job … Can we send him to another physician for a second fitness-for-duty examination?

Use absenteeism point system to avoid favoritism disputes

Many employers use a point system to punish absenteeism, firing employees who accumulate too many points. Such a system negates the need to track the total number of hours of work an employee misses, since the employer is counting points rather than time.

Docking exempt worker for single day: Is it legal?

Q. We require exempt employees who miss a full day for any reason to use either a sick day, personal day or vacation day in order to get paid for the full week. Is this appropriate? Is it permissible to pay them for less than a full week of work if they have used all of their paid leave time and still miss a full day of work?