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‘New’ paid family leave arrives this summer

More California employees will be eligible to take paid family leave starting July 1. That’s when grandparents, grandchildren, siblings and parents-in-law will be added to the list of relatives for whom caregiver leave is authorized.

Warn bosses: No griping about pregnancy-related absences


Some bosses openly resent it when subordinates announce that they’re pregnant. Warn them to never do or say anything that indicates anger, disappointment or annoyance.

Fix leave errors before they become expensive mistakes

Make sure employees receive the leave they’re entitled to under Cali­­for­­nia’s Fair Employment and Hous­­ing Act (FEHA). If a supervisor terminates an employee under the mistaken belief she’s at-will and can be fired for poor attendance—when she’s really eligible for medical leave—fix the mistake immediately.

10 hot gifts on employees’ holiday wish lists

A year-end bonus isn’t the only way an organization can say “Happy Holidays!” to hard-working employees. Here are 10 alternatives to cash:

FMLA: Military Family Leave


HR Law 101: The National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 granted new leave rights to family members of men and women who serve in the military. Because the NDAA amended the FMLA, the changes apply only to employers with 50 or more employees.

SHRM survey: Employers set 2014 holiday schedules

Most full-time employees (78%) will receive six to 10 paid holidays per year, while most part-time workers (51%) will receive up to five paid holidays per year, according to SHRM’s 2014 Holiday Schedules survey.

72 AEP employees use $3,000 adoption benefit


American Electric Power employees who adopt children get a little help from their employer: 30 hours of paid leave and $3,000 per child. One of the largest utilities in the country, American Electric Power has helped 72 of its employees with adoptions.

Houston firm dedicates one day per year to volunteerism

For the third year, Houston-based Swift Worldwide Resources has given all of its employees a day off—the same day—to volunteer in their communities at 23 locations around the world.

Save money upon termination by including ‘use it or lose it’ leave policy in handbook

Here’s another reason your hand­­book must include clear, concise and specific explanations of vacation and other leave policies: By carefully explaining that em­­ployees who quit forfeit unused leave, you won’t have to pay them for that un­­used time under the North Caro­­lina Wage and Hour Act.

March of Dimes offers array of benefits to expectant employees

CEO Dr. Jennifer L. Howse says the March of Dimes’ attention to employee benefits reflects its mission of supporting healthy families, starting with its own employees.