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New York employees entitled to voting leave Nov. 4

The midterm election on Nov. 4 won’t draw as many employees away from their desks as a presidential election, but it’s still important to know if they must be given leave to vote—and be paid for it.

Election Day is Nov. 4: Know your state’s voting-leave law

The midterm election on Nov. 4 won’t draw as many employees away from their desks as a presidential election, but it’s important to know if they must be given leave to vote—and paid for it.

California Legislature passes mandatory paid sick leave bill

On Saturday, Aug. 30, 2014, in the early morning hours and amid controversy among labor supporters, the California Legislature passed a bill that provides workers with three paid sick days per year. Gov. Jerry Brown enthusiastically endorsed the bill’s passage and signed it into law on Sept. 10.

Court to decide: Is PTO a property right?

Public employers have greater con­sti­­tutional obligations to their employees than private employers do. Public employers have to give employees some sort of due process before termination because a job is a protected property interest. Now a court is considering whether changing the terms of a PTO bank is also protected.

New Minnesota law aims to close gender gap in the workplace

With great fanfare, Minnesota’s new Women’s Economic Secu­­rity Act was signed into law on Mother’s Day in May 2014. WESA is aimed at closing the gender gap by breaking down barriers to economic progress for women. It creates a number of new legal requirements and amends various existing laws.

Brooklyn Park, Minn. mulls statute requiring paid parental leave

Brooklyn Park may become the first city in Minnesota to offer paid parental leave to its employees.

Court OKs PTO for exempt employees’ partial-day absences

Employers often confuse the strict rules limiting the docking of exempt employees’ salary with different rules relating to partial-day deductions under vacation or paid time off policies.

Vacations: When we do take them, they’re too brief

According to the U.S. Travel Association, 61% of employees leave three or more vacation days on the table every year, and they’re less likely to use up those days if they’re allowed to carry them over to the following year.

Marketing firm creates casual culture for staff

To encourage a “lively spirit” among employees, managers at online marketing firm iProspect offer flexibility when it comes to training, schedules and dress code.

Must we grant time off so employees can vote?

Q. A number of my employees have stated that they will not be able to vote in the upcoming statewide election because their local polling centers are only open during these employees’ work hours. Should I give them some time off during the day to vote?