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Public employers can avoid comp-time cash payouts

Public employers not only have the leeway to offer comp time to nonexempt workers, they can now force the workers to use it. Congress gave state and local governments the …

Employee leave: Step carefully through maze of FMLA, ADA

When a worker requests a leave of absence for a medical condition, it can be downright puzzling to balance the different requirements …

Don’t let tummy aches turn into entitlements

Katherine Thorson was fired for excessive absenteeism after missing four days of work due to stomach cramps and medical tests. All of her tests were normal, but weeks later (after her …

Limits on comp time for exempt employees


Q. One of my managers had to work on a holiday, and the hourly employee who worked with him got double time in addition to the holiday pay. When the salaried employee wanted to take time off shortly afterward, my boss said it was not legal to give him comp time—he would have to be paid for the holiday he worked. The employee would rather have time off. Is there no comp time for anyone? —J.W., North Carolina

Failure to document disability nixes employee’s ADA protection

When United Parcel Service (UPS) grounded pilot Gary Walsh, he agreed that he shouldn’t be flying. A recent car accident had affected his memory …

One tough, tearful job evaluation doesn’t equal emotional distress

On Michael Jarrard’s first day back to work at United Parcel Service (UPS) after six weeks of leave for psychiatric care, his supervisor gave him a harsh 20-page …

Workers at smallest firms using ‘public policy’ loophole to file suits

If you operate a small business, don’t take it for granted that you’re immune from state discrimination laws. It’s true that state anti-bias laws don’t apply …

Snow days might not freeze out exempt workers


Q. Due to recent snowstorms, some employees have not been able to get to work. Can we dock the pay and/or accrued leave of employees who do not come to work? Can we do so even if the office is closed? Our attorney told us that the Fair Labor Standards Act does not apply to us because, among other things, our gross sales are under $500,000. —A.I., Maryland

Severe but short-term conditions can qualify for ADA protection

When a data support clerk was diagnosed with depression, she applied for and received 12 weeks’ leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Then she requested an additional three-month leave, …

Cure sick-leave abuse

The percentage of sick days taken because workers see them as a use-it-or-lose-it entitlement has doubled since 1995, according to a new survey by CCH Inc. As a result, the cost …