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Employees must share duty in setting up accommodation

Denise Davis missed a lot of work over more than five years due to maternity leaves and her Crohn’s disease. During this time, her employer continued to accommodate Davis by …

High court to decide whether health plans can recoup benefits

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether health plans can sue to recover benefits from a person who also collects from another source. In the case, an insurance …

Labor Dept: FMLA still a struggle but not a major growth barrier

While the percentage of employers who say it’s difficult to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has increased in the past five years, few companies say the law …

Keep job open for worker called to jury duty


Q. We are a small company and can’t afford to have an employee on extended leave. Can we legally terminate an employee who is called to jury duty and assigned to a lengthy trial? —J.W., New Jersey

Fear of snakes doesn’t qualify as a disability

After a hospital switchboard operator heard that a snake had been seen in her workplace, she became hysterical and took leave for several months. When she returned, she was transferred to …

Return to work can speed recovery for injured employee

Here’s more reason to get a solid return-to-work program in place: A new report says patients have better outcomes with their injuries if they are involved in their recovery and return …

FMLA regulation strikes out again

Another federal appeals court has struck down Labor Department regulations that say the clock doesn’t start ticking on an employee’s allowable …

No special protection for morning sickness

After 20 unexcused absences in a year, Jennifer Dormeyer was fired from her job as a bank teller. She claimed nine of the absences were because of morning sickness and sued …

Workers can moonlight during FMLA leave

Minutes after arguing with her supervisor, hospital psychiatric nurse Debbie Stekloff said she was too upset to work and walked off the job. Later that day …

Maternity leave from long ago can affect benefits now

Check your retirement plan to see if it gave proper service credit to women who took maternity leave before the Pregnancy Discrimination Act …