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Employee’s resignation stops your FMLA obligation


Q. One of our managers resigned a month ago, but she applied for FMLA leave a day before her resignation. Are we under any obligation to return her to a position she resigned from? Are we obligated to offer her a job when FMLA expires? —T.K., Massachusetts

FMLA Won’t Cover Tardiness


Q. Some of our employees routinely ask to use FMLA when they are five, 10 or 15 minutes late. It creates a scheduling nightmare and hurts morale. Does FMLA cover employees who are consistently tardy for work? —M.P., Florida

Vacation Accrual Isn’t Required During FMLA Leave


Q. I’m under the impression that our company is obligated to give employees all vacation accrued up to the time of their FMLA leave, but we’re not obligated to let employees accrue vacation leave during their FMLA leave. Am I right? —B.K., Wisconsin

Notification error doesn’t extend FMLA rights

Your company no longer has to worry about giving extra leave to an employee if you fail to designate the employee’s leave as counting toward her Family and Medical Leave Act …

Stress leave: How much must you accommodate?

Do any of these situations sound familiar? At Aon Corp., which lost many workers in the World Trade Center attack, groups …

Capping Sick Pay


Q. One of our managers has medical problems (she qualifies for the ADA and is in an age-protected class) and has used a significant amount of sick pay. Because we don’t have a defined sick pay policy, this manager is paid sick time whenever she’s out (full day or half day). How can we legally cap this? Is the development of a policy with specific hours our only alternative? —F.E., Georgia

Blue Mondays? Thwart Attempt at 3-Day Weekends


Q. How can we handle an employee who routinely uses vacation and sick time on Mondays? —D.M., Ohio

You can correct FMLA mistakes

In golf, they call it a mulligan. Kids call it a “do-over.” And in the world of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) administration, it can be legal to do an …

Paid family leave: Lots of talk in states but little action

Despite dozens of bills being introduced on paid family leave in state legislatures this year, only one made it into law. Oklahoma passed legislation requiring employers to allow workers to …

‘Paid time off’ bank
avoids sick-leave policing

Q Our policy grants workers five sick days per year. Should we make sure employees aren’t using these days for other purposes? —T.W., Maryland