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Job openings: No duty to notify employees on leave


Q. One of our employees is on leave after giving birth. She may qualify for a position that recently opened up. Do we have an obligation to notify her of that opening? —R.D., Ohio

Carefully Craft Policy to Avoid Paid-Leave ‘Stacking’


Q. A pregnant employee eligible for FMLA wants to take the 12 weeks of leave. Our leave policy says an employee on FMLA must first use his or her sick, vacation and personal leave, in that order, before the leave is unpaid. In this case, the employee has enough sick leave for the 12 weeks. But should she be allowed to use sick leave for the entire 12 weeks? Is this in our best interest? —M.P., Texas

You’re free to set paid-Holiday policy


Q. Can our company freely change its paid-holiday policy? Are we bound by certain federal or state laws on holiday pay, for instance? —D.C., Oklahoma

Your ‘so-so’ employee is on leave; can you keep his replacement?

It’s not uncommon to realize that employees on Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave aren’t as productive as their temporary replacements. That puts you in the sticky situation of wishing you …

‘Willful’ violation can extend employees’ time to file FMLA suit

Typically, employees can file Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) lawsuits no later than two years after the alleged violation. But if a worker can prove that your organization “willfully” violated …

Avoid arbitrary policy on reinstating job titles


Q. An assistant manager has been out on disability leave for four months, and she’s requested another two months. I want to eliminate the position. How long do I have to keep the position closed before reactivating the job title and responsibilities? —K.J., Mississippi

Help employees through the grieving process

The death of a loved one affects more than just the people who suffer the loss; it also affects the organizations where they work. The Grief Recovery Institute estimates that employees’ grief costs U.S. companies $37.5 billion a year in lost productivity. Here’s what a survey of newly bereaved employees found: 90 percent said they […]

Don’t lash out at workers who take jury-duty leave

Issue: Can a small organization point to its size as a valid reason to deny jury-duty leave?
Risk: State law exemptions won’t necessarily protect you from this type of lawsuit. …

Cut lost work days with earlier disability-claim notice

Short-term disabilities don’t last as long at organizations where em-ployees report their disability claims quickly, a new report indicates.
CIGNA Group Insurance found that organizations whose claims are reported within …

Don’t delay on FMLA decision; act quickly or risk liability

Issue: Notifying employees that their leave qualifies under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Risk: Courts tend to resolve borderline FMLA eligibility disputes in favor of employees. Action: …