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In layoffs, keep FMLA leave out of performance rankings


Employees are not immune from layoffs simply because they’ve taken FMLA leave in the past (or are currently out on FMLA leave). But when analyzing performance to determine which employees to lay off, keep FMLA leave days out of the decision

Give FMLA notice when employees go on workers’ comp


When employees go on workers’ compensation leave, you should tell them about their FMLA rights. That starts the 12-week clock ticking. If you don’t notify them, a lawsuit may follow even if the employee settles the workers’ comp claim …

Same-Sex Unions in N.J.: Responsibilities and Restrictions of the New Law


Same-sex unions are now a reality in New Jersey, and employers will have to change the way they deal with employees as a result. It’s too early to tell exactly what steps employers will need to take, but it’s important to understand what led to the decision and legislation

FMLA: All managers can face personal liability for leave mistakes


If you’re looking for incentives to get managers and supervisors to pay attention during FMLA training sessions, look no further. Simply point out that they can be held personally liable if they deny FMLA benefits to which an employee is entitled

How to keep employees productive during flu season


If your office remains infected with sneezing, coughing, aching workers who should be at home in bed during flu season, it could be because they’re afraid to use their sick leave. HR should encourage employees to use their sick leave when sick. It could actually increase productivity in the long term …

Use new govt. data to benchmark benefit percentages


The U.S. government’s main survey on employee wages and benefits, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC), offers a good quarterly snapshot that can help you benchmark your own pay and perks …

Promise of company vacation keeps productivity humming


Employees of Canada’s Great Little Box Co. have a daily incentive to meet their goals: a trip on the company’s dollar …

County employees sell back their unused vacation time


Employees of Etowah County, Ala., can sell back one or two weeks of unused vacation time at the end of most years. The decade-old policy allows the buyback when the county has available funds …

Secondary employer isn’t responsible for FMLA notice, leave


If you use leased employees, you’re not required to manage their FMLA leave. That’s the leasing company’s responsibility as the person’s primary employer …

Wal-Mart employees protest cut in hours, absenteeism policy


More than 100 Wal-Mart employees in Hialeah Gardens staged a protest over recent changes in the company’s absenteeism policies and scheduling …