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Termination for excessive absenteeism


Q. Our handbook states that employees will be terminated if they are absent more than 10 days in 12 consecutive months. An employee has been absent for seven days so far this year, three of which were due to the flu. He called out sick four days ago. When he returns, he will have exceeded the 10-day limit. Can we terminate him?

You can’t directly call doctor for FMLA information


There’s a right way and a wrong way to make sure employees have a “serious” condition that qualifies for FMLA leave

You can’t force employee to use paid time if on disability


If you require employees to use accumulated sick leave, vacation time or other paid leave when they’re out on FMLA leave, be aware of a little-known trap: If that employee also is receiving payments through a disability plan, you can’t force the person to use up his or her accumulated paid leave

Planning for a pandemic flu: Is your organization prepared?


After preparing for Y2K, anthrax and hurricanes, HR and legal professionals must now turn their attention to pandemic planning …

Worker fails to give FMLA proof? Cut ‘Em loose


Q. One of our employees had been out sick for two months. We’ve received a doctor’s note that just says he’s unable to work and that a return date is undetermined. We faxed and mailed FMLA paperwork, but it hasn’t been returned. Meanwhile, the employee is receiving disability benefits through our short-term disability plan. How do we calculate the start of FMLA leave? From the date the disability payment began? And if we never get the FMLA paperwork back, can we terminate him? T.B., Tennessee

Are certain industries exempt from the FMLA?


Q. I’ve heard that not all industries are covered by the FMLA. Are trucking companies exempt? If so, we have several employees out on workers’ compensation and FMLA leave. Can we fire them? —T.Z., New York

Make sure absence policy doesn’t clash with FMLA


Warning: If you terminate employees who take more than 12 weeks off in a given period, you may be violating the FMLA even if you allow employees their full FMLA allotment of 12 weeks unpaid leave …

How to Set Reasonable Call-In Rules for Absences


For many employers, absenteeism is a constant problem. You know you must give employees some slack, especially for family and medical emergencies and to accommodate disabilities that sometimes flare up. But, to make sure the work gets done, you need to know who’s going to show up and who isn’t

FMLA may require reinstatement, even with work restrictions


The FMLA lets qualified employees take up to 12 weeks of unpaid medical leave each year if suffering from a serious illness. The law also entitles them to reinstatement to the same or an equivalent job when they return. But what if the employee has a lingering work restriction, such as a temporary lifting limit?

States look to copy San Fran’s new paid-Leave law


Most states have boosted their minimum wages above the federal $5.15 per hour. Now, several states are exploring the idea of giving employees another plus—paid sick leave …