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Employer can require injured employee to work


Q. We have an employee who is out with a workers’ compensation injury on a medical leave of absence. We have a job that this employee should be able to perform, but it is not the same job that he was performing when he was injured. We called him in and told him about the job, but he refuses to do the job because he doesn’t like it. Can we stop his workers’ compensation benefits?—G.J.

Does FMLA require leave to care for grandchildren?


Q. The out-of-town daughter of our employee has been confined to bed rest during her pregnancy. The daughter is 24. Our employee has requested FMLA leave to be with her and take care of the grandchildren. Are we required to honor this request?—J.B.

Failing to follow call-in rules doesn’t void FMLA claims


You probably have a policy requiring employees to call in when they need time off to deal with health issues or face termination for abandoning their jobs. But don’t expect your procedure to trump the FMLA

A growing problem: Obese workers cost Texas employers $3 billion


In 2005, obesity cost Texas employers approximately $3.3 billion, including direct health care costs and related costs for employee absenteeism …

Pregnant Employees: Answers to Your 20 Toughest Legal Questions

White Paper published by The HR Specialist ______________________ Not many years ago, pregnant women were subject to poor treatment from employers and company insurance plans as well. But the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), enacted in 1978, prohibits discrimination on the basis of “pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.” The PDA required most employers to make […]

What Managers Need to Know About the ADA

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Helping Employees Through the Grieving Process

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Firing after FMLA: Potentially legal but usually unwise


The FMLA doesn’t forbid you to fire employees after they return from FMLA leave, or even while they’re on it. You’re simply prohibited from firing them because they took FMLA leave …

Paid-Volunteer program unearths passions in employees


The community relations department at Texas-based National Instruments organizes volunteer opportunities for the company’s 2,200 U.S. employees and has 40 staffers engaging workers in volunteer efforts. But that’s just the beginning. …

Volunteer opportunities help create worker balance


Wealth management company Baird, based in Milwaukee, has designed programs to nurture its employees’ generous urges. The three-year-old Baird Cares initiative allows employees an extra paid day off each year to volunteer