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‘Association’ with disabled no automatic assurance of leave


The ADA makes it illegal to discriminate against employees because of their “association” with disabled people. But what about disciplining an employee for taking time off to care for the disabled person? According to a recent Pennsylvania case, that’s perfectly OK—as long as FMLA leave is not involved …

Attendance discipline needs care if employee qualifies for FMLA leave


Q. An employee of ours has attendance problems. Before we could counsel her on the attendance problems, she was approved for intermittent FMLA to care for her elderly mother. While she has taken FMLA days for her mother, she also continues to have attendance problems unrelated to her FMLA leave. Can we proceed with counseling and possible disciplinary actions while she is under FMLA? …

USERRA: An Employer’s Guide to Military Leave Law

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Battle of the benefits: PTO bank may calm parent vs. nonparent tension


Parents vs. nonparents. Gen Y vs. Gen X and the baby boomers. In some workplaces, there’s growing tension over benefits inequality. HR better listen if employees complain that they’re getting worse benefits than their co-workers. One solution: Paid time off banks can help calm discontent.

Pregnancy & maternity leave: A legal guide and sample policy

White Paper published by HR Specialist, copyright 2007 _________________________________ When an employee announces she’s pregnant, her employer better be able to deliver more than just congratulations. You need legally sound, consistent policies and practices to ward off potential pregnancy complications of your own. It’s important to know what you must do—and what you can’t do […]

Labor Dept. draws battle lines in the great FMLA fight


Chances are your employees are happier with the 14-year-old FMLA than you are.  A new U.S. Labor Department report says employees would like to expand the law to create longer leaves and paid leaves. But employers argue that the law’s vague wording (and employees’ ability to play games with FMLA) create legal and productivity nightmares. Here are the main problems employers have with the FMLA, according to Labor’s report …

26 weeks of vacation keep employees on the job


Clinical laboratories need almost 24-hour coverage at Salt Lake City-based ARUP Laboratories, so employees work in 10-hour shifts around the clock, seven days a week. They’re hardly complaining: After working seven days straight, employees head home and don’t return for a week …

Will pregnancy become a ‘Super-Protected’ class in Ohio?


Employees seeking relief from on-the-job discrimination on the basis of their race, sex, age, national origin or religion can typically pursue their claims under federal law, Ohio law (Ohio Revised Code Section 4112.02) or both. In most cases, it doesn’t matter whether the employee sues under state or federal law—the court will apply the same cases and reasoning. The same is not true in pregnancy discrimination cases. That’s because the Ohio Civil Rights Commission interprets pregnancy discrimination quite differently than does its federal counterpart, the EEOC …

Quitting without notice, but getting vacation pay?


Q. Recently, one of my employees quit without giving notice. I was advised that under New York labor law, I have to pay all earned and unused vacation. Is this true? If so, what can I do to prevent this from happening in the future? …

Shorter vacation for part-Time employee?


Q. Under New York law, must an employee who works part of the year be paid a prorated vacation? …