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Minnesota Leave Laws

Minnesota employees have enhanced parental leave options beyond what the federal FMLA provides. Additionally, all Minnesota employers must provide paid time off to allow workers to vote and unpaid leave for jury duty …

The dreadful dozen: The 12 worst absence excuses ever


CareerBuilder.com recently asked 2,929 hiring managers and HR pros to name the lamest excuses they had ever heard for missing work. Who knew America’s work force was so fragile—or creative? Maybe some innovative strategies can stem the tide of absenteeism.

Require use of vacation time if you know FMLA doesn’t apply


Employers don’t have to allow employees to take sick or FMLA time just because they claim minor health problems. If you are certain that an illness or injury doesn’t amount to a serious health condition as defined by the FMLA, then there is no reason to run the time against FMLA or sick time …

Have a sick leave bank? Make it accessible to all who qualify


If, like many employers, you maintain a sick leave bank for employees who exhaust their available leave time, remember this: You’ll risk a retaliation lawsuit if you deny the use of banked time to an employee who has filed a discrimination claim …

7 ways for employers—Big or small—To recruit & retain in ’08


f you work for a large organization, get ready to fight with small ones for your employees. If you work for a small organization, get ready to spend more on the pay and benefits that will lure big-company stars over to your shop …

New laws for the New Year?


Q. Heading into 2008, are there any changes to Ohio law that employers need to be aware of? …

Employers—Not employees—Choose ADA accommodation


Sometimes disabled employees and their employers have different views of the accommodations needed to do their jobs. Fortunately, it’s up to the employer, not the employee, to pick the accommodation. Simply put, the employee isn’t the master of the accommodation—the employer is …

Employee’s bizarre behavior can count as FMLA ‘Notice’


If you’ve never had any formal psychiatric training, maybe it’s time you put your business plan aside and register for Psych 101. Why? A recent court ruling shows how the FMLA can require you and your supervisors to play psychiatrist, too …

Do a father’s prenatal visits qualify for FMLA?


Q. Does all prenatal care qualify for FMLA leave, or does the female employee need to have complications to qualify? Also, can a husband take leave for his wife’s prenatal care, such as accompanying her to an ultrasound? …

Can we reclassify past leave as FMLA?


Q. If we weren’t immediately aware that the employee’s leave qualified for FMLA leave, can we make his leave retroactive to the first day he took off for the condition? …