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Does the Pregnancy Discrimination Act grant additional maternity leave?

Q. We granted an employee maternity leave following the birth of her child—12 weeks of leave in accordance with the FMLA. Other than the FMLA, our company has no past practice or policy of granting leave (paid or unpaid) to employees except for their own medical conditions. Our employee claims that we will be discriminating against her because of her pregnancy and status as a new mother if we do not grant her additional leave time. I am aware of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Does it require us to grant our employee additional leave to care for her newborn? …

Pay for workers’ comp evaluation?

Q. We have an employee who has filed a workers’ compensation claim. Our attorneys have asked the employee to go to our insurance company’s doctor for an evaluation. This will keep the employee away from work the whole day. Do we have to pay the employee for going to the doctor, or may we classify it as a personal day? …

Ask managers to set a good example … by going on vacation

Your organization’s employees no doubt believe they’re entitled to take all the vacation days they earn. So why do they leave so many on the table? A new survey from travel site Expedia says 92% of employees embrace their rights to take their vacations, yet one of every three is “vacation deprived” …

Backup care: It’s not just for kids anymore


Unscheduled absences can throw production into a tailspin. Often, those absences occur when an employee’s child care arrangements fall through. But increasingly, workers also must stay home to care for spouses or parents who need help after surgery or because a regular caregiver is unavailable …

Make sure handbook spells out maternity leave terms


Is your employee handbook clear on exactly what constitutes maternity leave and how long it lasts? If you plan to permit just the 12 weeks allowed for pregnancy and childbirth under the FMLA, spell that out. Don’t refer to maternity leave separately and then provide a different week or month count …

Switched at birth: DCS women will get almost $1 million

The New York State Department of Correctional Services (DCS) will pay $972,000 to 23 female DCS employees who were shortchanged by the department’s maternity leave policy when they became pregnant while on workers’ compensation leave …

You fired worker on FMLA leave? Better have a good reason

Employers can’t manipulate the FMLA to terminate employees for taking FMLA leave by trumping up charges. As the following case shows, courts grow very suspicious when employers come up with reasons to fire employees who are on FMLA leave. And they often send such cases to trial, leaving employers at the mercy of juries …

Now hear this: You’ll pay for firing worker out on health leave

Colorado Sports and Spine Centers has just agreed to pay $137,500 to settle a discrimination lawsuit brought by the EEOC on behalf of former employee Kristina Siebert. The CSSC fired Siebert after she took time off to be fitted for hearing aids …

Fire away … but be prepared to defend terminations

Employment terminations fall into several categories. Whether the situation involves new hires who didn’t work out, firings for cause or performance issues, or voluntary resignations, terminations often lead to litigation. For each type of termination, there are some common ways employers can make sure they can defend themselves if challenged …

Branch offices and FMLA leave

Q. Our company has about 75 employees scattered throughout 10 offices in the state, with a maximum of 10 in any one office. One of our employees has requested FMLA leave for a serious health condition. Do we have to provide it? …