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What are the liability risks for health plan administrators?


Q. I was recently approached by one of our company’s board members and asked to act as the plan administrator for our health benefits plan. I am nervous about assuming formal responsibility for plan administration. Am I subject to personal liability for administering our company’s plan?

There’s getting hurt … then there’s the fear of getting hurt


Here’s a tale of workplace terror so harrowing that one of the characters even used a pseudonym when he filed for workers’ comp … for injuries he had yet to receive.

New laws promise reform of N.J. workers’ compensation system


New Jersey’s workers’ compensation system will be tougher on companies and employees who try to “game the system,” Senate Labor Committee Chairman Paul Sarto told A.M. Best Company, which rates the stability of government bonds and other financial instruments.

State employee benefits cut


Gov. Jon Corzine signed into law a new benefits package for state employees that raised the retirement age from 60 to 62 and increased the minimum salary workers must earn before being eligible for pension benefits. Now state government employees must earn at least $7,500 per year to qualify for a pension. The previous minimum was $500.

Pay and benefits concessions keep paper from folding


Wage freezes and other employee concessions negotiated in October brought New Jersey’s largest newspaper, Newark’s The Star-Ledger, back from the brink of a sale or possible bankruptcy.

How will the election affect employment law?


More than 60% of corporate counsels expect the election to have an impact on employment laws at their companies, according to a survey by The Association of Corporate Counsel.

Can an injured worker double dip?


Q. Can an injured worker obtain both workers’ compensation benefits and Social Security disability benefits at the same time? …

Using licensed labor? Beware hidden workers’ comp, wage-and-hour liability trap


The general rule in California is that when an employer engages an unlicensed person to perform work that requires a license, that person is considered an employee, not an independent contractor. Essentially, the law puts the burden on those who want work performed to check to make sure the person doing the work has the appropriate license. Otherwise, the employer may be liable for any on-the-job injuries that occur.

The HR I.Q. Test: November ’08


Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

Disabled workers can collect unemployment if denied accommodations they ask for


Employees who become disabled, request accommodations that never materialize and then resign may end up getting unemployment compensation. But if disabled employees fail to request accommodations, they’re out of luck …