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DIY health care reform: Create inexpensive, effective wellness programs


Not all the action on health care reform is happening in Washington. Plenty of employers are focusing closer to home, creating wellness programs that lower health care costs—and don’t break the bank.

New mental-health parity rules kick in Oct. 3


The high-voltage debate over health care reform has consumed headlines in recent months, but employers shouldn’t overlook a more immediate change: The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act that takes effect next month will mandate new coverage limits—and potentially lead to higher costs.

How to change employees’ health habits — one click at a time


When employees hunch over keyboards all day, all the motivational posters in all the break rooms of the world won’t improve their health. Solution: Deliver practical, actionable advice directly into employees’ e-mail in-boxes. Learn how one company did it with great results.

Poor performance terminations and COBRA: Can we deny the new COBRA subsidy?


Q. We had to terminate an employee for failure to adequately perform his job responsibilities. Can we deny him the COBRA subsidy because the termination was not a layoff or a result of the economy?

Are early retirees eligible for the COBRA subsidy?


Q. We recently offered employees the opportunity to participate in an early retirement program, and several employees elected to take us up on the offer. Are they eligible for the new 65% COBRA subsidy?

Use 7-point checklist to choose an employee assistance plan


The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008, which takes effect Oct. 3, has more employers worried about rising health insurance premiums—and looking to employee assistance programs as a way to keep costs down. The law prohibits group health plans covering 50 or more employees from imposing extraordinary coverage caps on mental health and substance abuse treatment.

New health insurance rules for employees’ dependent children attending college


A new federal law that takes effect Nov. 8 extends eligibility for group health insurance coverage to certain dependent children over the age of 18 who are enrolled in institutions of higher education.

Dust off your benefits policies: More mandates may be on the way


The federal government has slowly been introducing laws that force employers across the country to provide employee benefits: for example, the FMLA, USERRA and the ADA. Now Congress is considering several legislative initiatives that would require employers to provide additional benefits.

HR & the recession: 7 trends, 7 solutions


If you read only headlines, you may think U.S. employers are slashing employee benefits to the bone. Not so. But the weak economy is forcing organizations and their employees to make some tough choices, particularly in compensation and benefits. Here are seven key HR trends to look for, plus tips on how to respond.

Health care: Start preparing now for new mental health parity rules


The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 takes effect beginning Oct. 3, ushering in a new era of health insurance coverage—and potentially higher costs for employers. Is your mental health coverage on a par with your coverage for physical conditions? Now’s the time to begin working with your carrier or broker to integrate your plan coverage.