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COBRA subsidies expiring: DOL offers guidance

The federal government has answers for terminated workers who are concerned that their COBRA continuation health insurance coverage may soon get more expensive or expire all together. As federal subsidies for COBRA coverage start running out, be ready with information when your former employees call.

If food were health care …

If food prices rose at the same rate as medical costs since the 1930s, a pound of apples would now cost $12.97, and a dozen eggs would cost $85.08. Other comparisons from the inflationary market basket:

Must we pay premium during unpaid leave?

Q. I am a small employer with a group medical plan. If an employee takes an approved unpaid leave of absence, am I required to continue my premium subsidy during the unpaid leave? We have 22 employees and aren’t required to comply with FMLA.

Must we provide health insurance coverage for employees’ adult children?

Q. How does the new health care reform law affect coverage for adult dependent children under a group health plan?

Cutting health care costs: The 3-legged stool


As premiums continue to rise and reforms have added new complexity (and looming new costs), the C-Suite is pushing HR for solutions. With insurance plan renewals fast approaching for many employers, there’s even more urgency. Reducing employers’ health insurance burden requires balancing three strategies: cost shifting, cost reduction and plan changes.

When must we announce new benefit terms?

Q. Currently, our company pays 70% of employees’ health insurance premiums. Now we need to either decrease the percentage or possibly ask employees to pay the entire premium. How much notice must we give employees before making such a change?

Health care reform: U.S. employees dazed and confused about the new law

If you’re still not exactly sure what’s in the massive new health reform law, you’re not alone. A Harris Interactive survey gave 2,100 adults a list of 18 reform items and asked people to identify which were actually included in the new law. Only four items were correctly identified by the majority of respondents.

Health care reform: Mark your calendar with these milestones

When President Obama signed health care reform legislation in March, the clock started ticking on a series of changes that HR professionals will be dealing with for at least the next eight years. Here’s your timeline of what to expect.

What are the rules for flexible spending accounts under the new health reform law?

Q. How do the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the Health Care and Education Tax Credits Reconciliation Act of 2010 (collectively known as the PPACA) affect health flexible spending accounts?

Does your wellness program clash with new genetic bias law?

Approximately 70% of employers sponsor wellness programs designed to drive down health care costs, reduce absenteeism and promote better employee health. But now, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act has muddied the wellness waters. Learn how to comply while still offering incentives for employees to participate in your wellness program.