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350-employee firm has its own on-site physician


Louisville-based Appriss offers its 350-plus employees free access to an on-site doctor’s office. The technology-solutions company also waives health care insurance premiums for workers who do not use tobacco.

Barbeque chain extends benefits to franchisees

Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants is giving its 200 franchise owners, their families and their employees access to group purchasing power for medical benefits, dental coverage and legal and financial services.

California federal court rules: Government agency must insure employee’s same-sex spouse

In a case that’s already being appealed, a federal district court has ruled that a federal agency must enroll an employee’s same-sex spouse in the employee’s health care plan.

U.S. Supreme Court will decide the fate of health care reform

The U.S. Supreme Court will decide the fate of health care reform before the end of June. No matter how the court rules on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, its decision will affect employer-provided benefits for years to come.

Hacked! How to limit liability for employee data breaches


Imagine this nightmare scenario: You’ve contracted with a vendor to enter personnel data into a new computer system, including employees’ Social Security numbers, addresses, names of dependents, health records and bank account routing numbers. Then the vendor notifies you that employee data was somehow stolen or lost. What do you do?

Game on! Supreme Court hears health care reform arguments

The U.S. Supreme Court case everyone has been waiting for is finally here. The High Court began hearing oral arguments on the constitutionality of the landmark Affordable Care Act on March 26. An unprecedented six hours of arguments will set the stage for a decision—probably in late June—on whether “Obamacare” stays or goes. No matter how the court rules, it will affect HR for years to come.

Health savings accounts growing again

After a recession-induced lull, health savings accounts (HSAs) regained popularity in 2011, and now total $12.4 billion in assets, spread over 8.4 million accounts.

How does the state’s civil union law affect employer-provided health benefits?

Q. How does the Illinois Religious Freedom Pro­­tec­­tion and Civil Union Act affect health benefits?

LGBT employees get help with taxes on benefits


Ernst & Young on Jan. 1 began reimbursing its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees for the additional federal and state taxes they pay on same-sex domestic partners’ medical benefits. The New York-based accounting giant is the first Big Four firm to offer the tax offset.

Uncle Sam lets HR off 2 health benefits hooks

Insurance plan administrators no longer have to worry about offering optional long-term care coverage under the Community Living Assistance Ser­­­­vices and Supports Act, which was rolled into the health care reform law. And they have a temporary reprieve on providing employees and beneficiaries with a simple explanation of their benefits and a uniform glossary covering basic health insurance and medical terms.