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Texas Supreme Court to decide Houston same-sex benefits

In an about-face, the Texas Supreme Court has decided to hear a case challenging the city of Houston’s policy of providing benefits to same-sex spouses that are equal to those available to opposite-sex spouses.

ACA repeal would affect employer coverage

ACA rollbacks could affect the benefits employers can or must offer.

Trend watch: Could contractors get benefits?

The state of New York may be about to consider legislation that would create a system of “portable” benefits that would give independent contractors some of the advantages employees have.

Snapshot: What should Trump and Congress do about the Affordable Care Act?

Americans are almost evenly split.

HSA balances increasing

Balances in health savings accounts grew by more than a third in 2015.

Ensure wellness programs comply with new EEOC rules

Know the new rules regarding financial inducements in employer-sponsored wellness programs.

For some, need for benefits delays retirement

If demography is destiny, the American workforce is going to continue to get older as baby boomers age … and keep showing up for work.

Court defers to insurer on medical necessity

Courts considering an ERISA benefit claim may side with the insurer if the decision to deny a treatment was supported with evidence.

Extension for ACA reports

The IRS has granted 30 more days for employers to give Forms 1095-B (Health Coverage) and 1095-C (Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage) to employees.

Employer mandate is top health care reform concern

48% of employers said the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate was their primary health care concern going into the next administration.