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Personal care industry: Know the unique UC rules

Under Minnesota’s unemployment compensation laws, when service for a particular patient ends, attendants are only eligible for unemployment compensation benefits if they tell the staffing service they are willing and able to work with another patient. Otherwise, the end of the original assignment doesn’t count as a discharge.

Employee misconduct bars unemployment benefits

Employees who are terminated for misconduct aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation benefits. Just about any breach of an employer’s rules amounts to misconduct.

Employer-provided health costs rising worldwide

The 2017 Willis Towers Watson Global Medical Trends Survey found that medical insurers globally are projecting the cost of health care benefits to rise 7.8% this year, an increase from 7.3% in 2016.

Snapshot: Employers most concerned about health care reform

Employers expect efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will have the most significant impact on their operations.

Benefits mistake creates unemployment comp eligibility

A worker who claimed her new employer reneged on promised benefits has won her bid to receive unemployment compensation.

Health, retirement perks remain strong draws

Health insurance remains the employer-provided benefit employees value most, followed by retirement savings.

After AHCA, what next for health care reform?

Political analysts say there are three paths Republicans could follow.

Congress takes first legislative steps in replacing Obamacare


On March 9, Republican lawmakers in Congress took their first steps toward their promise of repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. Two House committees passed legislation to replace the ACA with a system of tax credits and a rollback of the Obama administration’s Medicaid expansion. Here are highlights of the House bills for employers …

ACA repeal threatens tax-free health benefits

The Affordable Care Act mainly affects the individual health insurance market, not the employer-provided coverage that is central to most employee benefits plans. That’s changing as President Trump and Republicans on Capitol Hill set about repealing and replacing the ACA.

Texas Supreme Court to decide Houston same-sex benefits

In an about-face, the Texas Supreme Court has decided to hear a case challenging the city of Houston’s policy of providing benefits to same-sex spouses that are equal to those available to opposite-sex spouses.