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Poor performers still may collect unemployment


Q. The job performance of one of our employees no longer meets our standards. While she used to be a good worker, she’s now making a lot of errors, coming in late from time to time and not getting along with her co-workers. We’ve talked to her about these issues, but her performance has not improved. If we fire her for poor performance—which we would consider termination for cause—will she be eligible to collect unemployment compensation? —W.T., District of Columbia

Violating wage law can entitle former workers to benefits

Michael Martini voluntarily quit his job as a driver, but he still may be able to collect unemployment benefits. Why? The company violated the law, in this case, not guaranteeing …

Don’t let COBRA bite you

Nothing about COBRA is simple. Even the name of the law is not straightforward. It comes from the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act under …

Let managers know they may be held personally liable for bias

Wendy Vivian didn’t just sue her employer for racial and sexual discrimination. She went after her supervisor to hold him personally liable and the state Supreme Court gave her the green …