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TWC to share information on employment tax schemes with IRS


The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) recently agreed to tell the IRS about employers that fail to properly pay state unemployment insurance taxes. The TWC joins 28 other state work force agencies in entering the new initiative, which expands on existing data-sharing efforts between federal and state agencies …

Unemployment surplus means Texas employers get tax credit


Gov. Rick Perry has announced that 370,000 Texas employers will receive tax credits next year because the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund has amassed a surplus of approximately $376.7 million …

Checklist: 5 Steps to Take When an Employee Dies

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3 tips to hold the line on health insurance costs—That won’t land you in court


With the end of daylight-saving time and the beginning of the holiday season comes another annual ritual—open enrollment and next year’s health insurance premium notice. Try these three tips to keep health insurance costs down.

Use BLS survey data to show employees the value of benefits


A new survey by the U.S. Labor Department Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) offers a great chance for HR pros to help employees understand the true value of their benefits. The key finding of the BLS’s National Compensation Survey  will come as no surprise: About half of the nation’s employees get health and retirement benefits through their employers. But other survey findings may provide a valuable opportunity to enlighten employees …

3 steps to creating a corporate ‘Culture of health’


A culture of health is coming into its own across corporate America. Driven by increasing health care costs and an obesity epidemic that fuels chronic illnesses, corporations are examining their core cost drivers and have arrived at a workable strategy: create a culture that promotes better health across the total employee population …

UPS, contractors owe $1.2 million to misclassified janitors


Nearly 500 Latino janitors who cleaned UPS facilities, hotels and other properties in Illinois and Texas won a $1.2 million settlement for unpaid overtime and back wages. According to the Service Employees International Union, which supported the lawsuit in U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, the janitors were misclassified as independent contractors …

GM takes VEBA for a test drive

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UPS teams up with Teamsters to shore up pension fund


Hard times make for strange bedfellows. United Parcel Service, based in Sandy Springs, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters teamed up to cut ties with the beleaguered Central States Fund pension plan before the federal government intervenes in January and likely makes things worse for them …

No unemployment comp for workers who quit to care for disabled family members


Family and military leave laws require Indiana employers to accommodate employees dealing with certain family problems. But the law doesn’t stick employers with an unemployment compensation bill when employees quit after their protected leave expires. Thanks to a recent Indiana Court of Appeals decision, it is now clear that voluntarily quitting to care for an ill family member does not mean the employee is eligible for unemployment compensation payments …