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Collecting unpaid health insurance premiums after FMLA leave

Q. One of our employees recently came back from FMLA leave. Before he left, we never agreed on the method by which he would pay his share of health insurance premiums. It’s been two months now, and the employee hasn’t mentioned it or attempted to pay us back. What can we do to collect the premium? …

Alternative staffing models may save on employment costs

During these difficult economic times, small and midsized businesses are looking for ways to reduce their employment costs—while maintaining employee benefits and gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Many employers are looking at alternative staffing models to meet those objectives …

Equal Pay for Older Workers


HR Law 101: When designing compensation plans, employers should take into consideration whether the pay schedules have a negative impact on older workers. Several pay discrimination cases have reached the Supreme Court in recent years …

Bring back injured employee quickly: A 5-step return-to-work plan

When an employee is injured on the job, what you do—and when you do it—can determine not only how quickly the employee will return to work but also whether he or she will return at all.

Repeated outbursts bar unemployment comp


Employers have a right to expect a certain level of decorum in the workplace. Employees fired for using crude language or engaging in threatening behavior won’t likely be able to collect unemployment compensation, since their own misdeeds caused them to become unemployed …

Go figure: Ohio Supreme Court says making money illegally bars workers’ comp


It may seem like common sense, but now the Supreme Court of Ohio has issued a clear ruling: Employees who can’t work because of injuries or illnesses lose their workers’ compensation benefits if they regain the ability to make a living by breaking the law …

Class-Action suit challenges workers’ comp rating system


Three Cleveland-area businesses have filed a class-action suit against the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). Linderme Tube Co., Timely Advertising Specialty Co. and Corky and Lenny’s restaurant have charged that the BWC’s group-rating system awards unrealistically high premium discounts to elite, group-rated employers …

Ohio Supreme Court places limits on public-Policy terminations


In a dramatic reversal, the Ohio Supreme Court significantly limited the reach of its earlier decision in Coolidge v. Riverdale School Systems. That 2003 decision led attorneys and employers to conclude that it violated Ohio state public policy to terminate any employee who was eligible to receive temporary total disability payments under the Ohio Workers’ Compensation Act …

Consider hidden costs before cutting retiree benefits


Thirty-five percent of organizations offered retiree health benefits in 2007, up from 29% the year before, according to the Society for Human Resource Management. Even so, benefits analysts say organizations are under pressure to drop the coverage to save money and to lessen a costly liability line on their financial statements …

‘Mini-Meds’ offer inexpensive health care coverage options


Providing affordable employee health insurance is tough for many small companies and those employing lots of part-time workers. If that sounds like your organization, it may be time to consider offering a “mini-med” plan that covers limited health care expenses at a relatively low cost. Here’s what you need to know …