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Higher pay for LAX hotel workers as ‘Living wage’ law stands

Hotels near Los Angeles International Airport will have to begin offering higher pay. The California Supreme Court has declined to review an appeals court decision upholding a city ordinance that requires the hotels to pay its workers the city’s living-wage rate …

Paying for insurance while on disability


Q. We have an employee who is currently on short-term disability (STD) and is approaching long-term disability (LTD). Our company pays 95% of medical insurance premiums and 100% of STD and LTD premiums. The employee is no longer receiving a salary. Does our company have to continue to provide and pay for medical insurance? — K.M., Arizona …

Duluth: Municipal retirees should sign up for Medicare

The city of Duluth says it can save up to $600,000 per year if 37 of its retirees sign up for Medicare. The city discovered during a recent audit that some of its retirees weren’t enrolled in the federal retiree health insurance program …

SE Michigan businesses leery of state-Run health care

A survey of Southeast Michigan business owners by the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce indicates serious reservations among area employers about state-run health care …

Texas court to rehear ruling on whether premises owner can avoid tort liability

The Texas Supreme Court in April granted a petition to rehear its decision that a premises owner was protected from tort liability under the state’s workers’ compensation law because it was also a general contractor …

Do we need an attorney to represent us during unemployment comp hearings?

Q. Should a Texas employer hire an attorney to represent it in an unemployment compensation proceeding where the claimant is represented by counsel?

To avoid negligence liability, set strict control rules for contracted labor

Employees who are hurt at work can collect workers’ compensation but generally can’t sue their employers for negligence. The workers’ compensation law makes employers immune from such additional lawsuits. But what if you contract with another company to provide on-site labor and someone gets hurt? …

Workers’ comp rates to drop 5% in July

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) has announced a 5% overall rate reduction in workers’ comp rates, the first reduction since 2001. The decrease will take effect July 1 …

Feeling poor? It could be worse: At least you’re not a reporter

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown has expressed support for a union of editorial workers seeking a new contract at the Dayton Daily News. Union members took to the streets in April after the newspaper announced plans to deny part-time workers affordable health care and freeze wages …

10 tips to ease the pain when tightening the benefits belt

A slowing economy and tight cash flow might make it tempting to trim benefits and bonuses. But drastic cuts could be penny-wise and pound-foolish. Here are 10 ways you can help soften the blow of reduced benefits and incentives …