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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
  • The HR Weekly

Joseph Beachboard

Can we require grooming standards without being guilty of religious bias?

Q. Our company requires male employees to keep their hair short. However, a recent applicant has stated that his religion does not allow him to cut his hair. Will requiring him to cut his hair to get the job violate federal law?

Can we make a deaf employee and his boss learn sign language?

Q. Our company recently hired a deaf employee who communicates exclusively by written notes. We are finding that this process is time consuming and adversely affects productivity. May we require that both the deaf worker and his supervisor learn sign language and terminate their employment if they refuse?

Must we accommodate this employee’s beliefs? She says witchcraft is her religion!

Q. We have an employee who claims to be a witch. She contends that witchcraft is her religion and has asked for time off on certain “holidays.” Are we required to accommodate this employee’s request?

It’s an emergency! Can we fire worker whose volunteer firefighting duties cause absences?

Q. I have an employee who is a volunteer firefighter. Although I believe that volunteering is important, his absences to respond to emergencies have disrupted workplace productivity. Can I replace him on this basis?

Can we offer pizza instead of pay when employees must work through lunch?

Q. Occasionally, when we receive a big order, our nonexempt employees are required to work through their lunch break. Although we do not pay them overtime for this work, we buy pizzas and sodas for all the affected workers. Is this lawful?

What web resources can we use to make sure we are in compliance with I-9 rules?

Q. Our company needs guidance on keeping up with our obligations with regard to employment eligibility. What resources are available?

Can we require ‘English-only’ at work? Foreign-language chatter is affecting morale

Q. Some of our employees speak to each other in their native language. We are worried that some workers will feel excluded. To boost employee morale, we would like to institute a policy prohibiting our workers from speaking any language other than English during the workday. Is such a policy legal?

What are California’s rules on lactation breaks?

Q. Are we required to give our employees additional rest breaks in order to express breast milk?

Are we required to grant a former employee access to his personnel records?

Q. One of our former employees has requested to see his personnel file. Are we required to allow him ­access to it?

Given California’s strict break rules, can employees work through lunch?

Q. We give our employees the opportunity to take up to a one-hour lunch break every day. However, several of our employees have requested to work through their lunch break in order to leave work earlier. Is this legal?