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HR Professionals Week: Thursday, March 8


Welcome to Day 4 of HR Professionals Week, the HR Specialist’s third annual salute to the HR practitioners who help America’s workplaces work! Today, we tackle the delicate interpersonal issues HR so often has to mediate. You’ll find resources for diffusing emotional situations and addressing tough discipline problems. Just click on the links to download!

Today’s free article:

On the emotional edge: 4 tips for responding to employee rants

Disciplinary and termination meetings are emotionally charged events that carry the potential for nasty words, hurt feelings and even legal troubles. You need to be prepared for anything. Follow these four do’s and don’ts to defuse rants and avoid lawsuits.

Today’s free white paper:

Having ‘the talk’: Wise words for discipline discussions

Being an effective manager means confronting those “challenging” employees who, while typically good at their jobs, too often display unprofessional or downright obnoxious behavior. The best way to tackle such problems is to meet with employees right when you spot the problem behavior. Follow these guidelines, which have the side benefit of protecting the organization from employee claims that they weren’t treated fairly.

LIVE webinar today at 1:00 p.m. EST!

Ask the Attorney Q&A

To mark HR Professionals Week, Nancy Delogu—employment attorney with Littler Mendelson and The HR Specialist’s own “Ask the Attorney” expert—will answer your HR legal questions for a full hour. This webinar is your chance to gain top-flight legal insights—and it’s expert advice at a bargain price. If you’re one of the first 100 people to register, you can participate in our “Ask the Attorney” webinar for only $49. (Once we hit 100 registrants, you can still participate at the regular $197 rate.)

Computer-based HR support:

The Employee Problem Solver

If you’ve got employees, you’ve got problems. And you certainly don’t want a lawsuit because you handled a problem the wrong way. Solution: Pop “The Employee Problem Solver” into your computer. This convenient CD resource helps you figure out the best way to handle more than 160 HR situations so they don’t turn into HR disasters.